Sunday, October 22, 2017

Assignment 10: Internship Update

Well I have learned the lab is a zoo, its chaotic, hectic but its fascinating. It is almost always go go go, very little time to rest, 90% standing or walking. It's exciting last week I was in pathology again, Tuesday was a fairly normal day, saw another uterus which the pathologist sectioned to have immunostaining done because it was cancerous. Other than that it was typical not to say it wasn't fast paced but nothing was out of the ordinary. Wednesday all hell broke loose, the O-R sent down a frozen and one of the cryostat machines was already broke and then the other broke, so it was not good. Pathology couldn't do any samples from the O-R, they were essentially useless, but the O-R had three more frozens coming. So it was hectic mayhem trying to get the machines back up and running, then I was taken down to the morgue, I saw two amputated legs, weird but not all that bad. Then there was a dead body, that was weird and creepy and I now know I could never be a surgeon or a doctor dealing with someone about to die on a daily basis. There is very rarely boring parts as you can probably tell, something is always going on and I am not in a section for longer than three days until I rotate to a new one, which is how most people in the lab work, very few are dedicated to a specific station most rotate throughout the week. The only time it is boring is when there are no current samples, but that usually means they are all held up and soon the flood gates will be released and the area swamped so they have told me enjoy those few minutes of nothing to take a seat and relax for a bit cause as soon as they come in we are right back to it.

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