My Profile: I am a current senior at Forsyth Central and have gone through the STEM Academy in the biotechnology pathway. I have always wanted to work in the medical field and if you listen to what my mom would tell you I've wanted to be a doctor since I was two. I have known for sure though I have wanted to go into pediatrics since kindergarten. So when I got the opportunity to do the Honors Mentorship Program and intern at Northside Forsyth it was a chance for me to experience what it is like working in the medical field I have for so long dreamed of.
My Mentorship: I am interning at Northside Forsyth and every three months we rotate to a new department from the beginning of school year til current(October 2017) I have been in the medical lab. I have t throughout each of the lab's departments including, pathology, blood bank, chemistry, processing, microbiology, and hematology. Each week I go is a different department where I learn different skills and knowledge. Each week in that department I have a new mentor and each person I meet is able to give me different advice show me different techniques or ways they complete the same task. And so by working in the lab I have been able to see just how the lab skills and knowledge I have gained from my time in the STEM Academy can be applied to the real world.
My Future: I am planning on attending Mercer University in Macon, Georgia to study biomedical engineering and possibly dual major in music as well and go through the pre-medical pathway. By working at Northside I have been able to gain and learn valuable skills which I hope to apply to gain an internship as a freshmen at Mercer and to help me reach my ultimate goal of going to medical school upon getting my first degree. Northside has been instrumental in also teaching me how not to only balance school work and extracurricular but also true responsibilities of maintaining a job. I am looking forward to seeing where my internship takes me and how I can use that to pursue my future goals including becoming a pediatrician.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Assignment 10: Internship Update
Well I have learned the lab is a zoo, its chaotic, hectic but its fascinating. It is almost always go go go, very little time to rest, 90% standing or walking. It's exciting last week I was in pathology again, Tuesday was a fairly normal day, saw another uterus which the pathologist sectioned to have immunostaining done because it was cancerous. Other than that it was typical not to say it wasn't fast paced but nothing was out of the ordinary. Wednesday all hell broke loose, the O-R sent down a frozen and one of the cryostat machines was already broke and then the other broke, so it was not good. Pathology couldn't do any samples from the O-R, they were essentially useless, but the O-R had three more frozens coming. So it was hectic mayhem trying to get the machines back up and running, then I was taken down to the morgue, I saw two amputated legs, weird but not all that bad. Then there was a dead body, that was weird and creepy and I now know I could never be a surgeon or a doctor dealing with someone about to die on a daily basis. There is very rarely boring parts as you can probably tell, something is always going on and I am not in a section for longer than three days until I rotate to a new one, which is how most people in the lab work, very few are dedicated to a specific station most rotate throughout the week. The only time it is boring is when there are no current samples, but that usually means they are all held up and soon the flood gates will be released and the area swamped so they have told me enjoy those few minutes of nothing to take a seat and relax for a bit cause as soon as they come in we are right back to it.
Assignment 9: Reflection (Step 3 of Creating an Annotated Bibliography)

0018-5868 print / 1939-9278 online
Hospital Laboratory Performance: Implications for Healthcare Managers
services in healthcare delivery systems play
a vital role in inpatient care. Studies have shown that lab-oratory data
affects approximately 65% of the most critical decisions on admission,
discharge, and medication. Laboratory testing accounts for approximately 10% of
hospital billing. Re-ducing laboratory costs and improving laboratory
performance would contribute to reducing total healthcare cost, which is one of
the major goals for the U.S. healthcare delivery system. The objective of this
paper is to review and analyze the di-verse research approaches applied to
improve the performance of hospital laboratories in large healthcare delivery
systems. The approaches reviewed include: lean, quality control, automation,
and simulation modeling. In the conclusion, future research di-rections are presented,
which include additional methods to be investigated to further improve the
performance of hospital laboratories.
Keywords: hospital
laboratory, performance, lean, automation
laboratories have suffered many challenges, one being producing high-quality
test results in the most efficient
effective manner possible. One main target is to never decrease the overall
quality of the care and service provided throughout the laboratory process,
which is comprised of three stages: preanalytical, analytical, and
postanalytical. A decrease in total quality and its negative effects on patient
outcomes may cause economic loss (Pansini, Di Serio, and Tampoia 2003). The aim
is to decrease costs while still maintaining quality. The need to reduce the

within laboratory medicine can be accom-plished by possibly reducing test
requests (Vegting et al. 2012). Many researchers in this area have pro-posed a
patient-focused care strategy, with a goal to increase the time that nurses and
physicians spend in patient care and decrease the number of employees who have
direct contact with an individual patient (Pansini, Di Serio, and Tampoia
2003). It is believed that this could decrease the amount of errors that are
experienced. By implementing this strategy, im-provements through
reorganization, re-engineering, and laboratory automation have been seen in the
an-alytical stage. Improvements were also seen in the preanalytical stage by
evaluating the workload and error rate of the phlebotomists. It could be presumed
that better communication between physicians and hospital laboratory staff
should take place within the preanalytical stage in order to experience
continu-ous improvement throughout the entire laboratory process.
The rest of this article is organized as follows.
First, the approach utilized for selecting the litera-ture reviewed is
discussed. Then the different ap-proaches applied to improve the performance in
hospital laboratories is presented. These approaches include, lean, quality
control, automation, and sim-ulation modeling. Lastly, the directions for
future research is summarized.
Laquanda T. Leaven
an assistant professor of Supply Chain Management in the Department of
Marketing, Transportation and Supply Chain, School of Business and
Economics, at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in
Greensboro, North Carolina.

The literature search
was conducted from Jan-uary 2011 through September 2011. Further ongoing
reviews of literature updates occurred until the submission of this article.
The literature search included articles utilizing (1) lean, (2)
quality con-trol, (3) automation, and (4) simulation modeling to
improve hospital laboratory performance. These four techniques are widely used
industrial engi-neering improvement methodologies, which have proven to be
successful in the manufacturing sec-tor. For that reason, a review of
literature was per-formed to analyze the success of utilizing these same
improvement techniques in the hospital laboratory sector.
An assessment of
publications was completed using the following sources: ScienceDirect,
Pro-quest, Emerald Journals, and PubMed. In addition, Google Scholar was used
as an overall search engine for relevant literature. The selection process for
the articles reviewed was narrowed down to publication year; only the most
recent and relevant literature was included in the review process. This method
allowed for the latest advances in improving hospi-tal laboratories, using the
four techniques discussed previously, to be analyzed. Most articles included in
this review of literature were published in the year 2000 and after.
In the literature, a
variety of studies have been conducted to improve the performance in hospital
laboratories. The current studies utilize lean prin-ciples and quality
improvement, where the focus is to eliminate waste and develop quality metrics
to ensure safe, efficient, and effective processes. Addi-tional research
studies have been performed using simulation modeling as an improvement
technique, where the focus is to simulate and analyze different situations to
determine where the most cost sav-ings can be achieved. The automation approach
is a technique that focuses on implementing automated workstations in hospital
laboratories to increase re-source utilization and minimize laboratory errors.
In the following sections, the methods applied to im-prove hospital
laboratories are discussed in detail. Table 1 provides a synopsis of the
research studies reviewed.
Vol. 93, no. 2 2015
Applying the Lean and Quality Control
Approach to Improve Hospital Laboratory Performance
Many clinical laboratories have incorporated the
lean and quality improvement strategy to increase patient safety and improve
quality and workflow (Elder 2008; Serrano et al. 2010). It is essential to have
constant improvement in these areas. In order to track improvement, many
studies have incorpo-rated quality measures and indicators (Nevalainen et al.
2000). The quality of the staff’s performance, as well as the quality of the
laboratory testing, is essential to a patient’s safety. If a phlebotomist has
poor performance, this will produce poor test re-sults (Westgard and Westgard
2006). Quality im-provement should be incorporated in every facet of hospital
laboratories. This includes each stage of the entire testing process. The
laboratory information system is also an important entity and tool utilized in
the entire testing process. Effective laboratory information systems could
support further health-care quality improvement (Harrison and McDowell 2008).
In terms of improving quality, medical staff members do not thoroughly
understand the bene-fit or purpose of having quality control methods in place.
Many researchers have stated, to alleviate this problem and have well informed
healthcare pro-fessionals, training programs should be established (Nakhleh
2006). Training programs help with the transition of making hospital
laboratories contin-uous improvement environments. Studies have in-dicated,
incorporating lean practices into hospital laboratories result in a decrease in
turnaround time (Raab et al. 2008) and an increase in lab accuracy and
efficiency (Das 2011). Table 2 provides a syn-opsis of the lean and quality
studies reviewed.
In a research study performed, the lean methodol-ogy
was applied to a hospital laboratory preanalyti-cal process (Persoon, Zaleski,
and Frerichs 2006). Many of the laboratory’s customers (physicians) were not
pleased with the turnaround time for re-ceiving a patient’s test results. The
researchers be-lieved that the overall cycle time could be reduced if the
preanalytical stage was improved. Their goal was to report 80% of laboratory
tests in less than 1 hr and to no longer acknowledge a distinction between stat
and routine tests. In their process redesign, they incorporated the concept of
single piece flow, which indicates all activities must be performed on each
object undergoing the process before the work starts on the next object. This
method removes the notion

TABLE 1. Synopsis of Literature

Testing process
cycle time too long
Zaleski, and Frerichs 2006
patient experience/long wait time
Melanson et al.
Takes too long
to receive test results
Zito and
Stewart 2008
Large number of
blood stream infections
Shannon et al.
Laboratory test
Zarbo and
D’Angelo 2007
performance in the lab
Serrano, Hegge,
Sato, Richmond, and Stahnke
Lack of
processes standardization
Raab et al.
Pap testing and
diagnostic inaccuracies
Raab et al.
Lack of
validation measures for testing
Das 2011
Large number of
medical errors
Raab 2006
Laboratory data
Nevalainen et
al. 2000
Poor laboratory
test quality
Westgard and
Westgard 2006
Lack of
laboratory information systems
Harrison and
McDowell 2008
Lack of
understanding the role quality plays in
Nakhleh 2006
Defects in
microbiology laboratory
Elder 2008
errors in preanalytical phase
Da Rin 2009
centrifugation system runs slowly
Yavilevich 2002
Excessive errors associated with specimen sorting
Mifflin, Felder, and Demers 2002
Increased staff
Tornel, Ayuso,
and Martinez 2005
Staff shortage
and excessive errors
Lindeman, and Jarolim 2007
Need to reduce
costs in laboratory
De Capitani,
Marocchi, and Tolio 2002
workload effecting staff performance
Goldschmidt, de Vries, van Merode, and Derks

batching. How the work would be accomplished in the preanalytical stage was
redesigned using four rules of the Toyota Production System (TPS). The results
of the preanalytical stage redesign in-dicated significant improvements in the
laboratory test turnaround time by approximately a 30% re-duction. Phlebotomy
customer (physicians and pa-tients) satisfaction and workflow are important
fac-tors to consider in any type of clinical laboratory.
In the study of Melanson et al. (2009), they
fo-cused on how to improve the overall patient experi-ence and methods to
optimize the blood collection process in outpatient phlebotomy using lean
tech-niques. The main problem faced at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the
teaching affiliate of the Har-vard Medical School, was the excessive wait time
patients had to experience before being served by a phlebotomist. There were
also other problems that had to be addressed such as nonessential work
func-tions, inefficiency of non–blood-drawing activities, and reordering process
steps. In order to address these problems, a lean expert team implemented a
Kaizen Event (continuous improvement) in the out-patient department of this
facility. They removed many non-value added work steps in this process
and were able to conclude by
implementing these improvements, patient wait times decreased from 21 min to 5
Another study was performed that focused on how to
incorporate lean practices into a clinical laboratory (Zito and Stewart 2008).
The problem addressed how to reduce the turnaround time when sending patient
test results back to physicians. The facility was using a batching mechanism
for test orders, which adds a delay to receiving the test re-sults for certain
orders. The authors proposed that a single-piece flow system be adopted in this
clini-cal laboratory. The single-piece flow system would allow each order to be
handled and processed sep-arately rather than having to wait for all other
ele-ments in a batch to be processed. When orders are performed in batch,
multiple possibilities exist for errors to occur, which would require rework
for the phlebotomists. The researchers of this study were able to implement the
single-piece flow system for many floors of the hospital, which allowed the
batch sizes to be kept to a minimum. From the process re-design, the lean team
saw a significant improvement and reduction in the turnaround time for sending
test results to physicians.
TABLE 2. Synopsis
of Articles Reviewed for Lean and Quality Approach

et al. 2000 Identify the problems with the
Normalize data
laboratory data
et al. 2006
Reduce total testing process cycle
One piece flow/
Cycle time
reduced By 30%
et al. 2006
Determine cause
of blood stream
Implement best
50% reduction
in infections
Reduce medical
Work flow process
decreased from 9.9%
to 4.7%
Increase the understanding of the
More knowledgeable, informed
role quality
plays in surgical
programs to
Assess the
quality of laboratory
Quality of
More intense
quality control
Westgard 2006
and D’Angelo
Determine the cause of defects in
Implement ∼100
Defects decreased from 30% to
and Stewart 2008 Reduce time to get results to
Single piece
Reduction in
turnaround time
hospital LIS
Continue to
healthcare quality
McDowell 2008
in state of the
et al. 2008
Implement lean
for pap testing
Create a one
Improved pap
test quality and
and diagnostic
workflow and
record process
completion with
lean checklist
Investigate the
importance of
Refine the
Reduced cost
and improved
implementing quality/six sigma
of the process
et al. 2009 Improve patient
experience with
Remove non-value
Wait time decreased from 21 to
added steps
5 minutes
et al. 2010
patient safety and
Implement process
Achieved the CAP ISO-15189
Determine how
to develop
measures for testing
measures for

Note. LIS = Laboratory
Information Systems.

Approximately 200,000 patients contract blood-stream
infections from catheters each year. These infections have caused a mortality
rate of approx-imately 18%. Researchers applied the TPS strat-egy to the
central line placement and mainte-nance (Shannon et al. 2006). Through an in
depth analysis, the root cause of the bloodstream infections many patients were
suffering from was determined. Best practices were developed to eliminate or at
the very least reduce the number of infections that oc-cur. Within a year,
healthcare facilities saw a 50% reduction in infections by implementing the
best practice techniques.
Raab (2006) addressed reducing medical errors and
increasing patient safety in anatomic pathology laboratories using quality
tools and techniques. The researcher defines patient safety as freedom from
accident or injury resulting from the delivery of healthcare. A medical error
is described as the fail-ure of a planned action to be carried out as intended
or the use of the wrong process/plan to achieve a goal. One challenge in
decreasing medical errors noticed by the author was the lack of
standardiza-tion of quality assurance procedures across laborato-ries. In order
to overcome this challenge, a process improvement team developed a plan to incorpo-
Research and Perspectives on Healthcare
TPS principles into the laboratory practices. The goal was to obtain a defect
free test result for each patient. A one-by-one workflow process was created so
that the test specimen was immediately accessioned, processed, and finally
screened. After implementing this process redesign, the number of defects
decreased from 9.9% to 4.7%. This data in-dicated that the TPS process
improvements resulted in higher quality testing and a decrease in medical
In the study of Zarbo and D’Angelo (2007), the
authors determined there was approximately a 30% defect rate in the pathology
department. Each pro-cess and procedure was thoroughly investigated to
determine the cause of such defects. The researchers took the Henry Ford
Production System strategies and applied them to the pathology department in
order to reduce the amount of waste and rework encountered. After the
implementation of nearly 100 process improvements, the number of defects
reduced from 30% to 12.5%.
the Automation Approach to Improve Hospital Laboratory Performance
Many research studies have discussed the impor-tance
of automating certain stages of hospital lab-oratories (Holman et al. 2002).
Automation pro-vides an opportunity to experience a decrease in errors faced in
laboratory medicine. Research has shown with automation implemented in
laboratory facilities, the total turnaround time and errors ex-perienced could
be greatly reduced (Tornel, Ayuso, and Martinez 2005; Melanson et al. 2007).
Table 3 provides a synopsis of the automation studies re-viewed.
In a research study conducted by Da Rin (2009), it
was discussed how a reduction in errors could be obtained through proper
workstation design. As in many studies, it was concluded most of the errors in
the entire testing process occur in the preanalyt-ical stage. Therefore, of the
three stages (preanalyt-ical, analytical, and postanalytical) priority should
be placed initially on the preanalytical stage. The author stated that
automation of the preanalytical stage is a method of preventing and reducing
errors. When selecting an automated preanalytical work-station, there should be
certain performance and quality measures established, such as ensuring pa-tient
and specimen identification. Da Rin proposed 13 components of a preanalytical
workstation: spec-imen input area, sample identification, tube selec-tion,
transport system, sorting routing device, au-
tomated centrifuge, level detection and
evaluation of specimen adequacy, decapping station, aliquot-ter station,
automated analyzer, specimen delivery, recapping station, and take-out station.
Strict ad-herence to blood collection procedures is the most effective way to
guarantee quality during specimen collection and specimen processing. The
automated preanalytical workstation proposed by the author in this study was
implemented at San Bassiano hospi-tal. As a result, this hospital experienced
improved accuracy and clinical efficiency in its laboratory processes.
The preanalytical stage
is the most labor-intensive part of the overall laboratory testing process. In
the study of Yavilevich (2002), the significant advances in blood testing
accomplished in the last 30 years were discussed. Many of these advances have been
through laboratory automation, but the bottleneck of the automated process
remains to be the low speed of the centrifugation system. Centrifugation allows
for plasma to be separated from the red and white blood cells. Current
automation systems al-low for, on average, 500 tubes to be centrifuged per
hour. Yavilevich proposed an even powerful lab-oratory automation system, Fast
Spin technology, which will allow for 2,500 tubes to be centrifuged per hour
through combining several parts of the preanalytical process into one unit.
There are three parts to the Fast-Spin Module. The first part allows for
separation, the centrifugal force then rotates the holders and tubes so they
are in a horizontal posi-tion, and lastly once the centrifugation has stopped the
holders and tubes return to their initial position. There are several
advantages to the Fast-Spin prean-alytical module, which include decreased
processing time and significant cost savings for hospital labo-ratories.
Increased attention to automate hospital laboratories is due to the need to
reduce healthcare costs, specifically laboratory costs. Automation is believed
to greatly reduce the errors that are experi-enced in each of the laboratory
stages. Converting a hospital laboratory to a Total Laboratory Automa-tion
(TLA) facility is a gradual process and should begin with preanalytical
the Simulation Modeling Approach to Improve Hospital Laboratory Performance
In the study of De
Capitani, Marocchi, and Tolio (2002), a simulation model is developed to
analyze different scenarios considering personnel, preana-lytical devices, and
management policies. The goal of developing a simulation model is to understand

TABLE 3. Synopsis of Articles
Reviewed for Automation Approach

Increase speed
Implement fast
Implemented in
lab module
et al. 2002
Reduction in
errors that
occur in
processing unit
et al. 2005
workload in
Staff workload
et al. 2007
Select proper
Decide on
Decrease in laboratory
automation tool
for hospital
Rin 2009
Reduce errors

the future system will work and to provide a performance and economic
assessment, prior to implementation. The first component of the study focuses
on data collection and workflow analysis. The second component of the study
consists of sce-nario design and the model development. The final component is
the simulation model validation and performance evaluation. The objective of
the lab-oratory in this study is to minimize the total cost associated with the
preanalytical stage. Three sce-narios were designed and the chosen scenario was
the one with the lowest cost, while still meeting all constraints. The authors
concluded that the op-timal scenario was Scenario B with one operator for the
loading/unloading of the tubes and three operators for inputting requests. If
this scenario is implemented in the preanalytical stage of hospital
laboratories, there would be cost savings achieved of approximately 40%.
Management tools such as workflow analysis, workflow
simulation, and scenario analysis are prov-ing their effectiveness in
laboratory medicine. Sev-eral studies have been conducted and show the
use-fulness of implementing such management tools in hospital laboratories. The
goal of workflow analy-sis and design includes the adjustment of capacity and
services, such that services are provided in the most efficient manner. High
quality indicates that the level of work performed is done accurately, er-rors
are minimized, and patients are satisfied. In a simulation study (Goldschmidt
et al. 1998), it was determined that workflow analysis could be applied
clinical laboratories using discrete event simula-tion. The purpose of the
simulation was to analyze how a growing workload affects the service times of
the staff. The results from the study proved to be very beneficial as it
allowed for proper resource allocation within hospital laboratories.
Each of the improvement techniques discussed
in this article have proven to be winning approaches for hospital laboratories.
Many authors of the literature utilizing the lean and quality control methods
re-ported significant reductions in patient wait times (21 min to 5 min), blood
sample defects (from 30% to ∼5%),
and patient infections (an overall 50% reduction). The literature reviewed
using the automation approach concluded hospital laborato-ries experienced an
increase in staff/resource utiliza-tion and a decrease in laboratory errors caused
by human inaccuracies. Lastly, the authors analyz-ing the use of simulation
modeling to improve laboratory performance determined this approach would help
to achieve proper resource allocation and cost savings of approximately 40%.
Therefore, cost–benefit analyses performed by healthcare man-agers would
indicate the frontend cost of imple-menting improvement initiatives utilizing
the ap-proaches in this article would result in substantial benefits for
laboratory facilities in healthcare deliv-ery systems.
Research and Perspectives on Healthcare
As the healthcare industry continues to grow
rapidly, obtaining efficiency and effectiveness within healthcare delivery
systems has become a major pri-ority. In order to increase patient satisfaction
and patient safety, hospital laboratories must improve their overall
performance. The objective of this ar-ticle was to review recent and relevant
literature on initiatives to improve hospital laboratory facilities. Most of
the studies reviewed delivered improve-ments using lean strategies, quality
control meth-ods, automation, and simulation modeling. Each of these approaches
proved to be beneficial to both the patients and medical staff of hospital
labora-tories. While conducting this review of literature, it was determined
that there are not many stud-ies that have applied mathematical modeling
meth-ods to improve laboratory processes and scheduling. Mathematical modeling
has proven to be benefi-cial in many different areas of healthcare, which
include surgery scheduling, medical resource al-location, outpatient
appointment scheduling, and cancer screening. Because laboratory medicine is
such a major component of the healthcare deliv-ery system, it is imperative to
close this research gap.
Future research to be performed should include
developing mathematical models to improve the performance in hospital
laboratories. These types of models could be used for scheduling purposes to
balance workload among the medical technicians and eliminate work overload that
is often expe-rienced by many medical staff members. Math-ematical modeling
could also be used to maxi-mize resource utilization in laboratory facilities,
as this will allow hospital management to allocate re-sources in such a manner
that will minimize over-all costs. It is also worth investigating, by doing a
comparison analysis, which approach provides the most performance improvements
and cost savings for hospital laboratories. This will allow hospital management
to determine which improvement ap-proach should be implemented in their
laboratory facility to achieve maximum efficiency and overall effectiveness.
Da Rin, G. 2009.
Pre-analytical workstations: A tool for re-ducing laboratory errors. Clinica
Chimica Acta 404:68–74. doi:10.1016/j.cca.2009.03.024
Das, B. 2011.
Validation protocol: First step of a lean-total quality management principle in
a new laboratory set-up in
a tertiary care hospital in India. Indian
Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 26:235–43.
doi:10.1007/s12291-011-0110-x De Capitani, C., A. Marocchi, and T.
Tolio. 2002. Automation of the pre-analytical phase: A performance evaluation
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7:89–93. doi:10.1016/s1535-5535(04)00190-x Elder, B. L. 2008. Six
sigma in the microbiology laboratory.
Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 30
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J. J. M. Derks. 1998. A workflow
management tool for labo-ratory medicine. Laboratory Automation &
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Holman, J. W., T. E.
Mifflin, R. A. Felder, and L. M. De-mers. 2002. Evaluation of an automated
preanalytical robotic workstation at two academic health centers. Clinical
Chem-istry 48:540–8.
Howanitz, P. J. 2005.
Errors in laboratory medicine: Practi-cal lessons to improve patient safety. Archives
of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 129:1252–61.
Mario, P. 1999. The
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Melanson, S. E. F., E.
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Gustafson, and M. J. Tanasijevic. 2009. Applying lean/toyota production system
principles to improve phlebotomy patient satisfaction and workflow. American
Journal of Clinical Pathology 132:914–9. doi:10.1309/ajcp7fikzvvtftxq
R. E. 2006. What is quality in surgical pathology?
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Nevalainen, D., L.
Berte, C. Kraft, E. Leigh, L. Picaso, and T. Morgan. 2000. Evaluating laboratory
performance on qual-ity indicators with the six sigma scale. Archives of
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 124:516–9.
Pansini, N., F. Di
Serio, and M. Tampoia. 2003. Total testing process: Appropriateness in
laboratory medicine. Clinica Chimica Acta 333:141–5.
Persoon, T. J., S.
Zaleski, and J. Frerichs. 2006. Improving preanalytic processes using the
principles of lean production (Toyota production system). American Journal
of Clinical Pathology 125:16–25. doi:10.1309/865v7umfpukgcf8d
Raab, S. S. 2006.
Improving patient safety through quality assurance. Archives of Pathology
& Lab-oratory Medicine 130:633–7.
Raab, S. S., C.
Andrew-Jaja, D. M. Grzybicki, C. M. Vrbin, C. M. Chesin, J. M. Fisch, D. J.
Dabbs, D. L. Sommer, and S. M. Blaser. 2008. Dissemination of lean methods to
improve pap testing quality and patient safety. Journal of Lower Genital
Tract Disease 12:103–10. doi:110.1097/LGT.1090b1013e31815ae31819a31811.
Serrano, L., P. Hegge,
B. Sato, B. Richmond, and L. Stahnke. 2010. Using LEAN principles to improve
quality, pa-tient safety, and workflow in histology and anatomic pathology. Advances
in Anatomic Pathology 17:215–21. doi:210.1097/PAP.1090b1013e3181d1098c1081
Shannon, R. P., D.
Frndak, N. Grunden, J. C. Lloyd, C. Her-bert, B. Patel, D. Cummins, A. H.
Shannon, P. H. O’Neill,
and S. J. Spear. 2006. Using real-time
problem solving to eliminate central line infections. Joint Commission
Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 32:479–87.
Tornel, P. L., E. Ayuso,
and P. Martinez. 2005. Evalu-ation of the turnaround time of an integrated
prean-alytical and analytical automated modular system in a medium-sized
laboratory. Clinical Biochemistry 38:548–51.
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It talks about improvements in medical labs to improve patient care. From reducing time which reduces stress and angst in patients to improving the quality of results giving the doctors more accurate information to present to the patients. This works hand in hand with my internship as I see some of these things implemented at Northside and am able to see the benefits such as “Automation [which] provides an opportunity to experience a decrease in errors faced in laboratory medicine.” “Many clinical laboratories [including Northside] have incorporated the lean and quality improvement strategy to increase patient safety and improve quality and workflow” This assessment of lab improvements and their effects will be critical for my capstone.
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