Sunday, September 17, 2017

Assignment 6: Work Ethic

The Occupational Work Ethic Inventory is a tool used by researchers to determine how most people work. It is even available online with the following link, It asks a series of questions on how you feel you act while working, with seven different choices, going from never to always. And it gives you a score for three areas, Interpersonal skills, initiative, and dependability.
 I myself got slightly below the average of 5.75 interpersonal skills for males with a score of 5.71, which is what I expected. Because I do struggle with talking to new people and tend to shy away, but I have gotten much better than I used to be in the past four years and so being slightly under the average now is about where I expected to be. The second area it gives a score for, is initiative which I scored fairly higher than the average for males of 5.52 with a 6.01, which I feel is indicative, once I do become comfortable I ask is there anything I can do. I offer help even if I'm not sure what exactly I could do, and I am willing to do anything needed to be done, even if it is just replacing the plates for bacteria. The last area it gives you a score on is being dependable which I got slightly under the average for males of 6.07 with a score of 5.75, that surprised me, I felt as if I am very dependable and very rarely totally drop the ball, but apparently I drop it more often than I think by the answers I gave. Though still not a bad score, I would like to be able to take the test again and answering honestly improve that score, so I am going to try and make sure that I am more dependable in the future because that is one of the most important things in a workplace, your boss knowing they don't need to hold your hand to make sure the job gets done.

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