Thursday, November 30, 2017

Assignment 13: Partner in Your Education

Northside Forsyth and in particular the lab has been a big partner in my education. Working in microbiology I am able to see what I have learned in my biotechnology class junior year being put into action and understand how they come up with their results. But also outside of that area of the lab, I have been able to learn new things I never knew before. Just two weeks ago I was working in pathology and the pathologist on duty, Dr. V (Not real name), let me watch him and he explained to me the slides and what he was looking at and how he was diagnosing the patients. He was showing me the nuances of his job and we discussed my own aspirations of going into medical school and he gave me advice. I have met a few goals, the first major goal I have met was learning what was going on in the lab, the first few weeks I was there my head hurt upon leaving from all the information being shoved down my throat and the chaos, but after the first few weeks I picked up some things and as of writing this I can say I feel as if I have a good grasp of the lab unfortunately next week I am rotating to rehabilitation. So I'd have to say a new goal is to grasp rehabilitation and how things work their quicker than I did in the lab. Back to Dr.V and working with him opened my eyes to other types of doctors for so long I had my mind set on pediatrics I really don't care about what other doctors did. I dint want to do that but working with him and as he explained what he was looking at i became excited and thought well maybe I will do pathology, who knows. Though I did learn I like the lab but it is not my life, I like working with patients directly not behind closed doors, the only people interaction in the lab are your fellow lab techs and sometimes its so chaotic you may not even speak to them, at least in the doctor shoes you have to talk to the nurses, the patients and the lab. I think I like that having to get to know a diverse group of people.

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